Jun 17, 2023

Unconventional Women of the West by Legendary Ladies

Admission: 4.00

Location: Aurora History Museum

15051 E Alameda Pkwy
Aurora, CO 80012

Time: 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM

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Unconventional Women of the West by Legendary Ladies

Legendary Ladies: Unconventional Women of the West!

June 17, 4 p.m.

$4.00 per person, light refreshments included.

Join us in an educational adventure as we share with you Colorado women's accomplishments! AHM is hosting this fun, educational performance by Colorado's own Legendary Ladies, a non-profit ringing lively, historical, costumed portrayals of unique women who made a significant impact on Colorado and the West.

Cast in Order of Appearance:

Announcer ~ Joyce Morales

Emily Griffith ~ Educator 1868-1947; Portrayed by Linda Gleichmann

Anne Evans ~ Culture Pioneer 1871-1941; Portrayed by Susan Bugbee

Mary Elitch ~ Businesswoman 1856-1936; Portrayed by Judie Hinton

Katherine Lee Bates ~Poet 1859-1929; Portrayed by Kyle Neidt

About the Legendary Ladies:

Founded in 1992, Legendary Ladies is an educational, non-profit, performance organization bound by our love of women’s history. We perform all over Colorado, sharing stories often forgotten in American historical records: those of the unconventional women who made their mark on the west. The group is comprised of approximately 20 women who volunteer their time for research, rehearsal, costume creation and performance.